Sunday, November 8, 2020

Book Review and Giveaway -- The Goose on the Roof by Sarah Sommer -- On Tour with Iread tours.


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Goose on the Roof by Sarah Sommer
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  40 pages
Genre:  Picture Book
Publisher:  Sarah Sommer
Release date:   January 2020
Format available for review:  print (USA), gifted Kindle
Tour dates: Oct 19 to Nov 13, 2020
Content Rating:  G. Children's picture book with no adult topics or language
Book Description:

When one little girl tries to solve a big problem involving a goose on her roof, she enlists the help of her animal friends. Despite her best efforts, things don't go as planned, and she ends up with additional challenges to navigate as well. The Goose on the Roof features rhymes, animal characters, and a theme of problem-solving. The order of the characters can serve as a memory game as the story builds up and unwinds. Children may also be encouraged to come up with their own ideas for how to solve the issue of the honking goose on the roof and the predicaments created by the other animals. Winner (1st place) of the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards in the animals/pets category (ebook), this children's story highlights animals in a wholesome and engaging way.
Children's Author Sarah Sommer
Meet the Author:

Sarah Sommer enjoys working with words in a way that makes the story feel musical and rhythmical, which is a reflection of her first career in music as a professional clarinetist. She is passionate about animals and enjoys nature, the arts, and dark chocolate.

connect with the author:  website  ~  facebook  ~  instagram  ~  goodreads

My Thoughts
What a fun and entertaining book. I read this book with my 7 year old who laughed so hard with every turn of the page. This book is perfect for 3-9 years old (My 9 year old listened to his brother read). It is beautifully illustrated and kept everyone's attention. The book opens with a little girl upset that there is a goose on the roof. She is upset because it is loud and squawking. What an adventure she goes on trying to get the goose off the roof. She makes lots of new friends. She learns that everyone can help each other to get things done. This is a super cute story. 

I received a copy of this book through Iread book tours. All thoughts are my own. 

Follow the Tour Schedule: HERE


Win signed copies of ANIMALS AT THE OFFICE & THE GOOSE ON THE ROOF & $50 Amazon Gift Card (1 winner) (USA only)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your review! I'm glad you were laughing too!
