Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My Thoughts - Protecting the Amish Child by Dana R. Lynn

 Protecting the Amish Child

About the Book

Book: Protecting the Amish Child (Amish Country Justice #19)

Author: Dana R. Lynn

Genre: Love Inspired Suspense, Christian Suspense

Release date: August 20, 2024

A killer in pursuit…

and a little boy’s life is at stake.

When Francesca Brown discovers a dead body, bullets start flying her way. Soon FBI agent Tanner Hall arrives—only to find an autistic Amish boy hiding nearby. As a witness to a crime, it’s clear someone will stop at nothing to silence the little boy—permanently. With assailants on their trail, can Fran and Tanner unravel a lethal conspiracy before the murderer strikes again?

About the Author

Dana R. Lynn, romantic suspense author

Dana R. Lynn believes the pow­er of God can tran­scend any cir­cum­stance. She is a best-sell­ing, award win­ning author who views her writ­ing as a min­istry to show His love can bring heal­ing and peace. She writes roman­tic sus­pense for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Sus­pense line. She has been on Publisher’s Week­ly Best­seller lists twice, and her 2017 title Plain Tar­get won both the first place for her cat­e­go­ry and the over­all Grand Prize win­ner in the New Eng­land Reader’s Choice Awards. Dana is a mem­ber of RWA (Romance Writ­ers of Amer­i­ca), ACFW (Amer­i­can Chris­t­ian Fic­tion Writ­ers and Sis­ters in Crime. She is rep­re­sent­ed by Tamela Han­cock Mur­ray of the Steve Laube Lit­er­ary Agency. In 1996, Dana met her hus­band at a wed­ding and told her par­ents she’d met the man she was going to mar­ry. Nine­teen months lat­er, they were mar­ried. Today, they live in rur­al north­west­ern Penn­syl­va­nia with enough ani­mals to start a pet­ting zoo. In addi­tion to writ­ing, she works as a teacher for the deaf and hard of hear­ing and works in sev­er­al min­istries in her church.

Connect with her: WebsiteGoodreads

My Thoughts

Protecting the Amish Child is book 19 in the Amish Country Justice series that is written by Dana R Lynn. All books that can be read as stand alone - they are all connected by the Amish Country theme. This story starts out with a lot of fast paced action, and it does not let up throughout the whole book. It all starts when Francesca Brown finds a dead body. When FBI Special Agent Tanner Hall responds, they soon find a scared, autistic child hiding on her property. It soon becomes clear that the little child has witnessed this horrific crime, and those responsible will stop at nothing to silence him. 

I think one of my favorite things about this book is that both, Francesca and Tanner are real feeling. They have flaws, they have bad relationships in their pasts. I really love when authors create authentic characters. The author has captured Amish Country beautfully and has woven in a special character with autism. 

This book will draw you in within the first few pages. You will want to read it all in one sitting. The book will have your heart pounding and keep you on the edge of your seat. I love this series so much and it keeps getting better and better with each book, 

Thank you to the author, for allowing me to read a copy of this book, all thoughts are my own. 

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