Monday, October 5, 2020

Book Review and Giveaway - Seeking Life Author: Brianna Holifield On Tour with Celebrate Lit


About the Book

Book: Seeking Life

Author: Brianna Holifield

Genre: Christian Nonfiction/Christian Living

Release Date: June 30, 2020

Have you ever wondered what God’s purpose for you is? Or what exactly God wants for your life? Have you ever asked yourself if what you are doing is where God wants you to be? If you have ever asked any of these questions, you are not alone. Many people, including myself, have questions like these every day.

Seeking Life will dive deep into what God’s purpose is for each of us on earth and how the fruit of the Spirit plays a role. It will go into detail about each fruit of the Spirit and how to obtain each one. All the fruit work together to help us become whole in Jesus Christ. Being fruitful will ultimately show others who God really is to others by how we act and respond to things.

Seeking Life will include:

  • An in depth explanation of what exactly a purpose is and how the fruit of the Holy Spirit ties into that
  • Who the Holy Spirit is
  • A chapter dedicated to each fruit of the Spirit, defining what it is, why we need it, and how to obtain it.
  • A practical “How To” at the end of each chapter
  • Evidence on how God communicates to us, and how we communicate to Him


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Hey there! My name is Brianna Holifield and I wrote this book to share what I have learned over the past few years on my journey with God in hopes to help you live a more peaceful and joyful life with Christ.

I became a Christian in 2015. Over time, I went from being filled with anxiety and fear to being filled with the Holy Spirit and it has changed my life completely. I want to share my love for the Lord so more people can know God’s love for us.

A few other quirks about me: I love coffee and tea, I enjoy hiking and being outdoors, I love animals and I have a passion for nutrition.

So that is enough about me. God is our creator, He is our Father, and He loves us. I am His child and a servant of Him and I want to Glorify Him. This is to be more about God and our relationship with Him than about me.



More from Brianna

Have you ever been so at a loss as to what God wanted for your life because everything you thought you knew and everywhere you thought you were headed was so upside down, sideways, and backwards so much that there was nowhere to turn except God Himself?


Well, this is exactly where my life was before I decided to write this book. My life was shaken. Emotionally, I was distressed, sad, and in pain and I felt alone and helpless.


I can recall the day I knew I needed to write this book. January 7th. The night before I stood in my living room listening to worship music as memories and emotions flooded through my mind until I couldn’t take it anymore. I fell to my knees, let go of everything, and started to worship God like I never had before. I completely, totally surrendered myself to Him.


Sometimes, the only way for us to know we absolutely need God and know for a fact He is in control is to be left with nowhere to turn except to Him. And sometimes, only then are we able to truly listen to what God has been trying to tell us all along.


The next morning I got to work early and just prayed and asked God to show me a revelation and a vision of my life and what He wanted me to do with it. I was ready to do His will, not my own. I wrote everything He told me down. In fact, I still have that ripped up, scribbled on envelope I had found in my car to use that day.


One of the things God told me was to write. I remember the still quiet voice in my heart. Me? Write? I had never considered myself a writer. I also had no idea what to even write.


Over the next two months, God started showing me, teaching me, and transforming the way I saw things. Every single thing God taught me was something I desperately needed. By March, I knew what God wanted me to write about. This book is simple yet so foundational to living and walking in Christ. I hope the contents of this book helps everyone who reads it to grow and strengthen their relationship with the Lord and gain a deeper understanding of God’s purpose for each of us, and a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is.


“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26, NKJV).

My Thoughts

One of the first bible studies I started going to when I became a Christian was a women's bible study that was studying the fruits of the spirit. The first fruit of the spirit that we studied was Gentleness. This was one of those God 2x4's. At the time, I was a single mom of two little girls. I worked 2 jobs and went to school to provide for my girls. Gentleness was not something that I grew up with, I grew up with an alcoholic mother who yelled all the time. That was all I knew. That is what I carried over to my children. I entered this class, and learned that God was gentle. Gentle can be defined as: not severe, rough, or violent; mild and kind. This is what I aspired to be. I knew that I needed to learn more. Fast forward to 2020. What a trying year. It has been a year of chaos. I now am a mom of 4 - My girls have grown up, and I have two little boys (9 and 7). This book brought me back to the person I was sitting in that bible study. Two little boys, who drive me to the edge of my sanity - and boom - I realize that I do the same to God. But he is patient, kind, and so much more. This chapter of the book spoke volumes to me. It reminded me that while adults have had a hard time adjusting to 2020 - kids can't process as well as adults can. I needed to remember to be gentle with them. This is all new territory. 

The other chapter that spoke volumes to me was the one on on Finding purpose. I am at a weird stage of life. I have a lot of unfinished writing projects. I have a lot of unread books. I have a lot of unfinished ideas. This chapter has one of my favorite verses 

17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

With all the chaos this year has brought. All the fighting, all the politics - one thing remains. God is there. He is there we need to call on him. He will be there. The world does not understand this. But we as Christians have that hope. 

This is a great book for a women's bible study - it would even be perfect to read with some of your best girlfriends. The author has backed all of her book up with biblical truth. She writes with a way that you feel that you can connect with her. God hit me repeatedly with the God 2x4's. He has a way of doing this to gain my attention. I love when books that I review line up with something that I am needing an answer to in my life -- God is good, this book is good. 

I received a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit Blogging program - all thoughts are my own. 

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, October 1

Inklings and notions, October 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 3

deb’s Book Review, October 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 4

Ashley’s Bookshelf, October 5

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 6

Captive Dreams Window, October 6

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 7

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 8

Godly Book Reviews, October 9

Artistic Nobody, October 9 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Sara Jane Jacobs, October 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 11

For Him and My Family, October 12

Mary Hake, October 12

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 13

Splashes of Joy, October 14


To celebrate her tour, Brianna is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. this sounds like a really good book

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book, it sounds like an inspiring read

  3. I find this subject so interesting!
