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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Quick and Easy Dinner

It has been a long time since I have written anything for this blog. That was not my intention. I finished grad school, moved out of state and have now had time for the dust to settle and get back to my passion. Writing.

Life with kids always seems to be non-stop. I work full time and our kids are involved in many different activities. We moved out of state to get a fresh start. I hate cold and snow. I have always wanted to live in the South. I felt drawn to this area. It has been in 90 degrees for the last 2 months. Yesterday, it has finally hit 80's. The lack of humidity has been a nice break.

Anyways. So, life with 3 kids under the age of 18 is hectic. My 15 year old has a bible study she goes to on Mondays, Youth Group on Wednesdays, my husband bowls on Tuesday evenings, and we (hubby and I) go to a bible study Sunday evenings.

I love convenient. With the fresh start we also want to get out of debt. Convenient to us in the past has been run and grab fast food. Fast food is not good for your body, nor is it good for your wallet.

I love pinterest. (You can follow me here:

Lot's of quick and easy dinner ideas.

This dish is one that we adapted for our family. (I have some picky eaters)

Spaghetti Bake! (my 5 year old's favorite dish)

You can make this a lot of different ways.


(I cook for 5 hungry eaters)

2 lbs ground beef (I have also used ground turkey)
1 box of noodles (this time I used Rotini)
2 jars of spaghetti Sauce
Shredded Mozzarella cheese.

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

Brown the ground beef - drain and set aside

Boil the noodles - drain.

mix the meat and the noodles together - add spaghetti sauce (I like lots of sauce) mix together in the pan.

Spray a Pyrex baking dish and add the mixture and make sure that all the noodles are covered with sauce

Next is the best part. CHEESE!!!! We love cheese - sprinkle cheese on top of the dish.

 Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes (giving all the flavor time to mix together) Take out - let cool for a few minutes. And you have dinner.
This is a yummy meal that my family eats up!!!