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Thursday, January 19, 2017

One Word in 2017

One Word for 2017

I have been meaning to sit down and write this blog post for over a week. Unfortunately life gets in the way.  The first sermon of this year – our pastor talked about finding one word and one verse to be your year verse.

As I sat there all I could hear was Faith.

Faith I thought? I have faith. I have done a lot of things over the last 7 months that require faith.

Let me rewind a bit.

When I graduated with my Bachelor Degree in History – I was excited to be done. It had been a long road. I was working a job that really mixed with my conscience. I started wondering where I wanted to go in life. I googled: What can I do with my history degree. Lots and Lots of items popped up.

I started looking at colleges and their adjunct position. I would find one, research the area a bit then move on to the next one.

Then I came across Troy University in SE Alabama. I was drawn to the area like a magnet. I could not stop looking and researching the area. SO, I went back to school to get my Master’s Degree.

In January of 2016 I felt God lay on my heart to start wearing skirts. I hate skirts. I hate dressing up, I hate having to do my hair. But I could NOT stop thinking about it. So I prayed. I felt that God was convicting me to wear skirts. Why? Because it was out of my comfort zone and HE wanted to show me something.

So, for the next 5 months I primary wore skirts and dresses (Thank you EBAY) People who knew me asked questions and looked at me funny when I replied “It is something that God wants me to do.”

In May of 2016 – over dinner – I looked at my husband and said: “We need to move south this summer.”
He looked at me – and said Ok.
So, the end of June we took a trip to the area I was so drawn to. We fell in love and were able to rent a nice apartment. Back home to put our house on the market and start packing.
Everyone thought I was crazy. I had never really lived that far away from my family before. I am a very family oriented person. We always do cookouts at my parents house at least 1 time a week, my oldest daughter would walk over with my grandbaby through the week. I just felt like I had to go.
SO, we did. We moved 873mi away. We knew 1 family (who I had met on facebook). I had researched churches and had a list of 5 that I wanted to visit and see if we could find a church home. We had not had a home church in a few years.
We moved on my 34th birthday – July 29. We drove 2 vehicles. I had the little guys with me, and my husband had our 15 year old. We stayed in Nashville overnight.
On July 31, one day after we unloaded the truck we went to Sunday services at one of the churches I had been listening to.
I had no idea what God had instore for me when I walked into that service.
Our lives changed.
We knew we were home.
The people we would get to know have become family. We went through a 13 week intense bible study where my husband and I got rid of a lot of hurt and baggage we still carried at the cross.
It’s 6 months after we moved out of state. Our kids are thriving! It’s been a crazy ride. Our 15 year old has fallen so in love with Jesus that she is a whole new person

And the one sitting on the throne said, "Look, I am making everything new!" And then he said to me, "Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5

We have learned to trust God in ways we did not even know existed.
We have surrendered fully to him.
Our lives have changed.

We laugh about what might have been if we would not have moved. Would we be miserable? Would I have a tense relationship with my 15 year old? Would our boys be happy where they were at?
Then I just smile and laugh. “Faith.” I had to step forward in faith to see what blessings and riches that God lay instore. HE put the desire in our hearts to move south. HE had every step of the plan covered.

“For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  --- Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

I look back at these 6 months and see God’s hand in every situation that we have walked through.

Today, I finally have found my verse for the year.
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1: 9 NLT

God is with me, no matter how scary a situation may seem. No matter how crazy that it may seem when it’s presented to you. But God is already there. He will direct your steps.

Here is the "Southern Snow" that we drove past a few weeks ago. 

Are you facing something that you feel that God is asking you to do but are terrified to do it? Leave a comment below – or feel free to use the contact me button – and I will be praying for you!