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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tillmans go to Pensacola --- our adventures.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

This past weekend my family and I took a mini-getaway to Pensacola. We have lived in SE Alabama for almost 2 years, and have YET to go to the beach.....

My youngest daughter, Stephanie goes back to Ohio to visit her father for the summer -- so we decided to fly her out of Pensacola and make a weekend of it.

We left Friday morning and drove the 2 1/2 hours to the Naval Air Museum

If you ever visit Pensacola put this on your list.

Wyatt, who is now 5 decided he did not want to be in the picture... and the other 2 at home decided to well..... be themselves.

This is my reality..... In pretty much every picture. 

One of the exciting things about this place --- it is FREE!!!! 
Repeat, FREE!!!

There is so much to do and see, we spent about 4 hours there and still did not get to see anything

Daddy and his boys. The boys loved sitting and watching all the movies through out the museum. 

Lots of hands on, interactive exhibts. 

Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s. For more information, call 1-800-327-5002.

Once we got checked into our hotel (Red Roof Inn Milton, FL) We asked where we could get local food. We were directed to Grover T's BBQ. 


I got a pulled pork sandwich and smashed potatoes. 

Website: HERE

Hotel Review: 
Image provied courtesy of their website. 

I am a budget friendly kind of girl. This one was in my budget --- and had GREAT ratings on trip advisor. We didn't want to stay right in downtown Pensacola and this was close enough to what we wanted to do. Upon checking in, the hotel staff was so friendly and helpful. We were supplied with extra towels right away. The room we stayed in was clean. We were provided with a continential breakfast in the morning (bagels, muffins, cereal and fruit). When we came back in the next night our room was completely spotless. Overall thoughts: Great Staff, Clean rooms, good for the wallet. 

Website: HERE

On Saturday we had some time to kill before taking our daughter to the airport. My husband found a flea market that was close to the airport. If you are in Pensacola on the weekend, you will want to stop by the T&W Flea Market. It seemed to go on forever! There were so many different stalls, and such a variety. My husband found some great deals for Christmas. Wyatt found a bunch of ninja turtles.... Favorite stall? The Toy Lady. She has a way with kids and was super helpful locating what Wyatt wanted. 

Website: HERE
Open 7 am to 5 pm 
Sat and Sun

Pensacola Airport Review

Like I said above, I like to plan. So, when my daughter's flight was early afternoon, I wanted to make sure that we got there around 3 hours ahead of time. I had expected a lot of people since it was Memorial Day weekend, but we walked right in.

This airport is super easy to navigate, has friendly staff, clean restrooms, and places to eat before and after security. 

The next plan was to attend a Pensacola Wahoo game. I am a die hard Cleveland Indians fan, and one thing I have missed since moving to the South is baseball. Last month we visited Montgomery and went to a Montgomery Biscuits game. One of the things that I have enjoyed about visiting minor league games is how fan friendly they are. 

When we entered the stadium there was a lot of energy from the employees. Everyone was excited to be there. The Pensacola Wahoos are the AA team of the Cincinnati Reds. (My husband's favorite baseball team) Despite the slight rain delay, and the Wahoo loss we had a great time.  The fireworks after the game were breathtaking - and it was easy to navigate back to the hotel. 

Pensacola Wahoo website: HERE

There is a lot to do in Pensacola. We were planning on staying through Sunday evening, but we left earlier rather then later but thanks to Tropical Storm Alberto. 

We hope to go back soon and visit since there is so much more to do. 

Side Note: We did NOT make it to the beach courtesy of Alberto...hopefully soon. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Love Inspired Blog Tour! Book Review and Giveaway!

Bound by Duty 
by Valerie Hansen

When Sgt. Linc Colson is assigned to monitor Zoe Sullivan and determine if she's secretly aiding her fugitive serial killer brother, his instincts tell him she's not in league with the criminal---she's in danger. It's up to him and his K-9 partner, Star, to keep the pretty single mom alive.

My Thoughts

WOW. The one thing I love about the Love Inspired Suspense Series is it always starts out action packed and never lets up. I love the K-9 series they are always so action packed. The characters are well written, loved the tension and the chemistry between Linc and Zoe. The dog sounds like a great partner. I hope to read more from this author. 

I received a copy of this book through Litfuse and the Publisher --- all thoughts are my own. 

WIN a $100 VISA Gift Card!
One winner will WIN a $100 VISA gift card!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway: Journible - By Robert Wynalda and Joel Beeke - On Tour with Celebrate Lit

About these Books

Exodus PhotoTitle: Journible: The 17:18 Series
Author: Robert Wynalda (a local businessman) and Dr. Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
Genre: Non-fiction, Bible study tool
Release Date: Series released in 2009
Why the 17:18 series?
In Deuteronomy 17, Moses is leaving final instructions concerning the future of Israel. As a prophet of God, Moses foretells of when Israel will place a king over the nation (v. 14). In verse 18, the king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law (the entire book of Deuteronomy) from the scroll publishing house, but to hand write his own copy of the law. Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are discovering that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books.

How to Use These Books
Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. You will be writing the Bible text only on the right hand page of the book. This should make for easier writing and also allows ample space on the left page to write your own notes and comments. From time to time a question or word will be lightly printed on the left page; these questions are to aid in further study, but should not interfere with your own notes and comments.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

BeekeDr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written, co-authored, or edited seventy books (most recently, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, Living Zealously, Friends and Lovers: Cultivating Companionship and Intimacy in Marriage, Getting Back Into the Race: The Cure for Backsliding, Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Living for the Glory of God: An Introduction to Calvinism, Meet the Puritans, Contagious Christian Living, Calvin for Today, Developing a Healthy Prayer Life, and Taking Hold of God), and contributed 2,000 articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children: Calvin, Esther, and Lydia.

The 17:18 Series

My Thoughts

I was thrilled when I heard of this series. I chose to do the Romans study. I love the set up of this book. One side you write out the verses - the other you can answer questions and take other notes. I loved that when I wrote it out, and read it over I was able to grasp more of the meaning. I have big messy writing and I had plenty of room. This is a beautiful hard back book that I have enjoyed being able to review. 

I received this book through the Celebrate Lit Blogging Program --- all thoughts are my own. 

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, May 17
Book by Book, May 21
Genesis 5020, May 23
amandainpa, May 24
Bigreadersite, May 24
Multifarious, May 27


To celebrate the tour, Reformation Heritage Books is giving away a grand prize of the entire set of New Testament Journibles!!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Enough of me - By: Pricscilla Peters

Enough  of  Me  blitz

Welcome to the Enough of Me blog blitz and giveaway, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Title: Enough of Me: Winning the Tug-of-War Between Our Flesh and Our Mission, an 8-Week Bible Study  
Author: Priscilla Peters
Publisher: Ambassador International  
Release Date: May 11, 2018  
Genre: Christian, NonFiction, Bible Study  

I'm living the dream in my fancy-pants world, and I've got the Instagram feed to prove it.  

Who am I kidding? I'm literally holding it together with one more cup of coffee, yesterday's dry shampoo, and a prayer.  

So I finally said enough. Enough of me. I'm bidding farewell to chasing emptiness and exchanging it for more of Jesus.

If we agree with Paul in Acts 20:24 that our lives are worth nothing unless we use them for finishing the work of telling others the Good News - where are we in our quest to get busy for Jesus? In our world of hashtags, hair color, and having it all together, chances are we aren't accomplishing much.  

Enough of Me is an 8-week Bible study for women focused on what God's Word has to say about the tug-of-war between our flesh and our mission. The study explores the barriers that stand between where we are today and where God wants to use us to finish His work.

Do you have a nagging in your heart for more purpose? Are you right smack dab in the middle of a tug-of-war between your flesh and your mission?

 Often we want to live out the purpose and mission God has for us, but we're too distracted, exhausted, and empty. Maybe it's time to say enough to the excuses, anxiety, and interruptions that get in our way. Could it be we're so busy chasing emptiness and playing the people-pleasing game, that we can't find time to live on mission?

It's time to take a deep breath and do some inventory. Let's dig in and see what God's Word has to say about this tug-of-war between our flesh and our mission. Let's figure out ways to quit chasing emptiness and take bold steps of obedience. Let's discover how we can glorify God and steer people to Jesus in our cubicles, at our dinner tables, in our mom-groups, and with people we encounter every day.

What would happen if we said Enough of Me . . . more Jesus.  

PURCHASE A COPY: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N


priscilla  peters

Priscilla Peters is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University with a B.A. in Mass Communications and a Minor in Speech Communication. She has been married to her husband Coby for 10 years, and they have a blended family of six children. Priscilla is the Vice President of Marketing for the largest advertising agency in the transportation industry, and she’s been in the marketing and advertising business for 20 years. She serves as the Assistant Leader for the Real Women Ministry at That.Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. She speaks often, both in her professional career at industry conferences and trade shows, and at women s ministry speaking engagements. When Priscilla isn’t at the office working, speaking at Real Women events, or blogging, she is busy cheering on her Arkansas Razorbacks, chaperoning her daughter at her competitive dance events, and laughing way too loud about pretty much anything and everything.
CONNECT WITH AUTHOR: Website | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

enough  of  me  blitz  giveaway


Ambassador International is giving away:  


When we take simple steps of obedience in our God assignments, Jesus is becoming alive in us, and our humanity fades. The gospel that is untangling our hearts and compelling us to shout it out to our world is the story of dead souls coming alive. When we say yes to more of Jesus, our numbness fades into to blooms of mission. John the Baptist understood this appeal in his heart to say enough to himself. We reviewed this verse back in week one of this study, but it’s too good not to revisit. He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. – John 3:30 (NLT) John the Baptist realized the reward was not the glory he received from doing the work of ministry. The real prize was following Jesus. Day in and day out, I struggle with the reality that so many things are greater than Christ in my life. The focus of my brain is not always winning souls for Jesus. My checkbook doesn’t always record the wisest use of all that God has given me. My time is not constantly spent advancing the Kingdom. My words don’t continually honor my Savior. I fight the battle in my soul, and some days I fall on my face in complete failure. But y’all, new mercies! Grace for the win! Progress can be slow, but faithfulness is rewarded. The purpose isn’t perfection. The goal is growth—letting go of ourselves little by little, moment by moment, piece by piece. Enough of me. More Jesus. (from Week Eight, Day One of Enough of Me Bible Study)


Follow the Link and visit all the blogs participating.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway!! The Amish Teacher's Gift By: Rachel J. Good --- On Tour with Celebrate Lit

Amish teachers gift FB banner copy

About the Book

Amish Teachers gift
Title: The Amish Teacher’s Gift, Book 1 of the Love & Promises Series
Author: Rachel J Good
Genre: Amish Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Widower Josiah Yoder wants to be a good father. But it’s not easy with a deaf young son who doesn’t understand why his mamm isn’t coming home. At a loss, Josiah enrolls Nathan in a special-needs school and is relieved to see his son immediately comforted by his new teacher, a woman whose sweet charm and gentle smile just might be the balm they both need.
With seven siblings to care for, Ada Rupp wasn’t sure she wanted to take on teaching too. But the moment she holds Nathan in her arms, she realizes she’ll do all she can to help this lost little boy. Plus, it gives her a chance to spend more time with Josiah. Falling for a man in mourning may be against the rules, but his quiet strength is the support Ada never knew she needed. Yet with no time to court and a family secret holding her back, how can she allow herself to fall in love?

Click here to purchased your copy!

About the Author

rachel good
Rachel J. Good grew up near Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the setting for her Amish novels. Striving to be as authentic as possible, she spends time with her Amish friends, doing chores on their farm and attending family events. Rachel loves to travel and visit many different Amish communities.
Rachel is the author of several Amish series in print or forthcoming – Sisters & Friends series, Love & Promises series, and two books in the Hearts of Amish Country series – as well as the Amish Quilts Coloring Books and the contemporary novella, Angels Unaware, part of the Hope Chapel series. In addition, she has stories in the anthologies Springs of Love and Love’s Thankful Heart.
She’d love to have you visit her website, or connect with her on FacebookInstagramPinterestTwitter, and Bookbub. Rachel also enjoys meeting readers and will be doing talks and booksignings around the country this year. To find out more about Rachel and her books, you can sign up for her newsletter:

Guest Post from Rachel J. Good

Heart-Tugging Research
Sometimes as an author, stories call to you and beg you to write them. This story first tugged at my heart after I spent time with an Amish friend’s special needs child. I thought about writing a book to show how the Amish treat each child as a gift from God. After meeting a hearing-impaired teen girl with Down’s syndrome and seeing how she was encouraged to live up to her potential, the idea grew stronger. This girl later became Martha in the book.
Then at an auction, I watched a young Down’s syndrome boy help the auctioneer by delivering the goods to the bidders. His straw hat tilted a little crookedly, but with a broad smile on his face, he carefully matched items with the correct bidder. He looked so proud of himself and proud to be able to do such an important job. I sat there at the auction and jotted notes for the novel.
Once I knew the topic of the novel, I began my research by visiting Amish schools for special needs, attending auctions to support them, and touring the Community Care Center, where Amish and Mennonite children and adults with special needs get amazing help. The young man in the wheelchair who showed us around was an awesome guide. We peeked into an exercise room, a therapy room, a craft room, several classrooms, a cafeteria, and my favorite—a multi-sensory environment. This room with dark walls lit only by a small row of twinkling Christmas lights had a ball pit (with the plastic balls like some fast food restaurants have in their play areas), a plush recliner, blankets, headphones, and a hammock. Autistic children at the center found this room a great calming atmosphere. I knew this room had to have a place in the book.
I visited a teacher who taught autistic children and learned a lot about programs, therapies, and teaching techniques. After learning the cutting edge techniques she used, I was surprised to realize that the Amish had adopted quite a few of them for their classrooms. I chose a hearing-impaired boy for the hero’s son because I had a nephew with hearing problems, so I could incorporate some of the struggles he had into the story.
I wanted this series to be about the healing power of love, so each book will deal with a different type of healing. When something touches my heart like this, I always pray it will touch the readers’ hearts too.


I absolutely adore this author. She has a way of approaching tough subjects that remind us that we need to rely on God. When we walk through the storms of life, we need to keep our focus on HIM instead of the waves.  Especially when we think there is no way out. The author has a great way of creating characters that seem so real. I loved the children in this story. I loved that the author created a special needs child. This is so amazing. The chemistry between Josiah and Ada is instant and so heartwarming. 

This is a beautifully written story - tangible characters - storyline that flows with ease. Loved!

I received a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit Blogging Program, all thoughts are my own. 

Blog Stops

Carpe Diem, May 8
Mary Hake, May 15
Artistic Nobody, May 18 (Spotlight)
margaret kazmierczak, May 18 (Interview)
Quiet Quilter, May 19
Bigreadersite, May 20
Simple Harvest Reads, May 20 (Spotlight)
Vicky Sluiter, May 21


To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away a grand prize package of a tote, an autographed copy of The Amish Teacher’s Gift, and an autographed copy of Hearts Reunited!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!