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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Book Review and Giveaway: The Essence of Humility By: Lynn U. Watson On tour with Celebrate LIt

The essenxe of Humility Celebration Tour FB Banner

About the Book

The essence of Humility

Title: The Essence of Humility
Author: Lynn U. Watson
Genre: Devotional
Release date: January, 2019
We live in a culture overwhelmed with disrespect, egos, entitlement, rudeness, and offense — lives focused on self, rather than God or others.
The Bible defines love in 1 Corinthians 13. Every descriptive word included in the list whispers humility.
Patience — humility Kindness — humility
Not rude — humility Not arrogant — humility
Rejoices in truth — humility No envious or boastful — humility
Not irritable — humility Keeps no record of wrong — humility
Jesus entered our world and walked among us. He placed no importance on rank or position. Jesus life reflected love because it reflected humility, and He invites us to live and love like Him.
Journey with our hostess, Cinnamah-Brosia and her friends at The Coffee Cottage. They lead us on a journey to meet real life people — our contemporaries and those on the pages of God’s word, who encountered the same real life challenges you and I face each day. Learn the blessings of a life lived like Jesus lived —- with love and humility.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Lynn Watson combines many years’ experience in women’s ministry, love of essential oils, and her passion for God’s word to bring her readers freshly inspired encouragement for their walk with Jesus. Her devotional, The Essence of Courage, was recognized as a ‘must read’ by regional publishing industry leaders. Married since 1973, Lynn and Steve have filled their Bartlett, Tennessee home with handmade treasures and lots of love for family, especially their five beautiful (of course) grandchildren. Aromas of freshly baked bread often fill Lynn’s kitchen. Jasmine, her tuxedo kitty, enjoys sleeping in Lynn’s lap while she writes.

Guest post from Lynn

My first lesson in humility for Volume 3 of Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational Collection came from an assumption. Right. Those are never a grand idea.
When God spoke to me about writing this book, he clearly gave me the subject: Love. I immediately headed to 1 Corinthians 13 – The Love Chapter of the Bible. Of course the book’s title would be The Essence of Love. The end material of The Essence of Joy announced the new “Love” title coming in 2018.
And God laughed. I read 1 Corinthians 13 over and over again. It whispered “humility” over and over again. I called my dear friend – the one I consult with on every one of these books – and said, “You know what? Listen to this. Love is patient – humility. Love is kind – humility. Love is not arrogant – humility. You get the idea. Every single line of this beautiful passage comes down to the barest bones: humility.”
We both laughed a little, too. And we thanked God He clarified His instructions.
To live and love like Jesus requires us to humbly trust God and to humbly serve others.
In Philippians 2, the Apostle Paul presents a lengthy discourse on the humility of Christ. It begins like this:

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal. Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
~Philippians 2:1-4 (HCSB)

The title morphed to The Essence of Humility. I placed the focus on common everyday botanicals and plants – those familiar to us today – for this third volume in the collection. The fun came as I dug the plants from Scripture. I pray you enjoy the connections as much as I did uncovering them and connecting them to Jesus’ life, and to a whole list of characters who lived on the pages of the Bible, along with our contemporaries here in the 21st century.
Thank you for choosing The Essence of Humility. So very many titles out there shout to be read. I am humbled for you to spend time with me here. I have prayed for every one of you.

Copyright 2018, Lynn U. Watson

My Thoughts

This is the first thing that I have read by this author -and it was just what I needed. The way the author weaves in personal experience along with strong biblical truth. Since I had not read any of the previous books, I was glad that there was a "bio" of the character. I also enjoyed the thought provoking questions to dig deeper with your relationship with Christ. I enjoyed reading this book. I was provided a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit blogging program all thoughts are my own. 

Blog Stops

Carpe Diem, January 24
Splashes of JoyJanuary 25
A Reader’s Brain, January 26
Bibliophile Reviews, January 27
Creating Romance, January 29
Mary Hake, January 29
Aryn The LibraryanJanuary 30
Texas Book-aholic, January 30
Older & Smarter?, January 31
The Becca Files, February 1
Godly Book Reviews, February 1
Pause for Tales, February 2
Bigreadersite, February 6


To celebrate her tour, Lynn is giving away a grand prize of a wire basket that includes a hand-stamped “Gratitude, Kindness, Humility, Love” spoon necklace, Hillhouse Naturals fresh Linen hand lotion, locally hand-crafted Lavender-Eucalyptus body and foot scrub, embroidered “Love One Another” hand towel (nice ‘n soft), cozy Chamomile herbal tea, and a paperback copy of The Essence of Humility!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Children's Book Reviews! New Growth Press

I recently got the opportunity to review several children's books courtesy of New Growth Press. We were super excited to get these books. The books that will be reviewed are:

  • God Made Me and You by Shai Linne
  • God Counts by Irene Sun
  • Buster’s Ears Trip Him Up by Edward T. Welch
  • Jax’s Tail Twitches by David Powlison
  • Zoe’s Hiding Place by David Powlison


by Shai Linne

God Made Me and You: Celebrating God's Design for Ethnic Diversity

This beautifully illustrated children’s book invites kids to explore God’s design for ethnic diversity and challenges readers—both parents and children—to learn and live out counter-cultural, biblical views, fostering a lifelong celebration of diversity for the glory of God. Designed for four- to eleven-year-olds, God Made Me and You by Shai Linne is the second book in the God Made Me series, starting with God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb.
Because Scripture teaches that ethnic diversity is not something that should be tolerated but rather enthusiastically embraced, Christian hip hop artist Shai Linne helps children, parents, and caregivers to celebrate this biblical truth through a lyrical, rhyming style and colorful illustrations.
God Made Me and You is an approachable guide for families to begin conversations about cultivating a God’s perspective on ethnic diversity, confronting the sins of racism, bigotry, and ethnic pride.
Because children learn from family members, media, or peers, parents and caretakers have a responsibility to teach their children what God has to say about the beauty of diversity in his image-bearers, with a particular focus on ethnic diversity.
This colorful and compelling children’s book serves as a resource and lifelong gift for children and parents, helping families understand diversity from a biblical perspective and with a clear picture of the beauty and glory of God.

This was a great conversation starter. It was a great way to show the boys that God made us all different, yet we are all made in his image. This book is such a great way to introduce kids to diversity. Beautifully written and illustrated. The boys really loved this book. 
I received a copy of this book through New Growth Press, all thoughts are my own. 

God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World   -     By: Irene Ai-Ling Sun
In this engaging, illustrated children's book by Irene Sun, young readers learn how numbers declare the glory of God, discovering Bible stories and the truth, beauty, and goodness of our sovereign God through numbers and patterns. With countable illustrations and an easy-to-learn structure, children who are always seeking, finding, tracing, and counting numbers will be captivated by God Counts.

This book is super cute. My 5 year old was captivated by the pictures and story. He is in kindergarten and this book helped with his numbers. God has given us great beauty in his world - and this book is a great reminder of it. 


Buster was sure he was the fastest bunny in the meadow. But during a race at summer camp, nothing goes as planned and Buster gets tripped up. After his epic fall, his older sister, Ivy, helps him see that failure is an opportunity to grow. As Buster remembers God’s love, he is able to let go of others’ opinions and accept that it is okay to try your best but not always be the best. Edited by Edward T. Welch, Buster’s Ears Trip Him Up ends with a special section that guides parents in teaching children how the gospel of Jesus Christ comforts and sustains us through failure and turns our focus away from ourselves and toward others. Also included is a tear-out page of Back Pocket Bible Verses that will remind children and adults of God’s love and help for those who get tripped up.
A new series of hardback, illustrated children’s books for three-to eight-year-olds—each centered on an animal family—bring gospel help and biblical counsel to families. The animal characters, colorful illustrations, and the real-life issues each animal family face will captivate children. The first three books address anxiety, anger, and failure bringing biblical help and hope to issues every child faces. The last page of each book contains information for parents on how God, in his Word, helps children apply biblical truth to specific issues. Together children and parents will be guided by the stories into meaningful conversations about living by faith in the details of everyday life.

This book is one of our new favorite books.  My kids have dealt with other's opinions being pushed on them. It is a great reminder of how we need to be concerned with God's opinion of us - and not others. The boys loved this book - and they loved the animals. As a parent I loved how it tackled real world issues in a fun Godly way. 

Everyone gets frustrated when something important to them goes wrong. In Jax’s Tail Twitches, the whole Squirrel family ends up out of sorts when acorn gathering doesn’t go according to plan. Although Papa, Mama, Jax, and Caspian Squirrel all get angry, they also learn about the power of saying sorry, seeking forgiveness, remembering God’s words, and praying together. Edited by David Powlison, Jax’s Tail Twitches ends with a special section that guides parents in teaching children how the gospel of Jesus Christ changes how we respond when life goes wrong. Also included is a tear-out page of Back Pocket Bible Verses that will help children and adults remember to turn to God for help when they are angry.


LIke the book before this - this was a huge help in teaching the boys about how to handle their anger and frustration. Life is hard. It does not always go the way we want it to. I love that these lessons are taught through scripture and with adorable animal characters. 

This beautifully illustrated book invites children to remember that the Lord is near when they are anxious. Zoe, a fearful mouse, is worried about a class trip. As she talks with her parents, Zoe realizes that she can turn to God for help. Papa Mouse gives her a verse from the “Great Book” that she can read when she is afraid. She learns that she can tell God all about her fears, and he will comfort her. Also included is a tear-out page of “Back Pocket Bible Verses” that will give children a practical way to remember God’s words when they are afraid.

With two kids that have been afraid of the dark - this was a great help to the boys. God will always calm our fears with his perfect love. God is love. 

I really enjoyed reviewing these books - the boys enjoyed reading these books. 

BOOK REVIEW: The Biggest Win By: Joshua Cooley

Foreword by Carson Wentz, Nick Foles, Zach Ertz, Trey Burton, Jordan Hicks, and Chris Maragos.

The Biggest Win gives athletes and sports fans of all ages a unique, insider s look into the lives and faith of six Christian NFL players from the 2017 Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl team Carson Wentz, Nick Foles, Zach Ertz, Trey Burton, Jordan Hicks, and Chris Maragos. Through the ups and downs of their experiences, author Joshua Cooley shows how these high-profile athletes remain committed to God s Word, genuine Christian discipleship, and sharing their faith. Using their voices and stories, The Biggest Win gives sports-minded readers hope and direction for living out their faith while competing.
The Biggest Win is ideal for pastors, youth, and college leaders to use as a small group resource with students interested in sports. Questions at the end of every chapter will spark helpful conversations about living by faith as an athlete and fan. It is a MUST for coaches to use with every Christian youth sports and school teams. See your youth athletes faith grow as they hear and learn from the amazing stories of these Super Bowl Champions. Also a perfect book for men s church groups.
The Biggest Win combines biblical truths with practical direction on issues that every Christian faces including dealing with adversity, competition, change, success, failure, and how to thrive by faith in a pressurized world. Encouraging male and female athletes in any sport, The Biggest Win guides them in finding their ultimate identity in Christ, not their athletic achievements, and assures them that their greatest prize is eternal life.

Joshua Cooley is the children’s ministry director at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Md., a freelance writer and a former fulltime sports writer/editor with a journalism degree from Liberty University. His freelance work has been featured in a variety of publications, including Sports Illustrated, Sports Spectrum, FCA Magazine, Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family Magazine, Bethesda Magazine, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Baltimore Sun and The Orlando Sentinel. He has written for teenagers and children in Highlights, Breakaway, Brio, Clubhouse and Susie magazines. Joshua also has co-written two other books: The One-Year Sports Devotions For Kids (with Tyndale House Publishers) and Playing With Purpose: Inside the Lives and Faith of the Major Leagues’ Top Players. He lives with his wife and four daughters in Germantown, Md.


I am a huge Cleveland Browns fan. That being said I am used to my share of heartache. I know that so many football players crash and burn. Fame gets to them. They get caught up about having all the money. This was a very refreshing read. It was nice to read about top players that have put God first and have been able to be huge influencer because of their career. I love that the players shared their favorite scriptures and Godly examples. This is a must read for any sports fan

I received a copy of this book through New Growth Press, all thoughts are my own.