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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal Author: Laine Lawson Craft


About the Book

Book: The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal

Author: Laine Lawson Craft

Genre: Non-fiction

Release date: March 14, 2023

You are not alone–there is hope and healing for every hurting heart.

Today’s technology has made sinful experiences and deadly choices accessible to our teenagers and young adults with just a click. And parents are left with the disappointments–and devastating fallout–of their children’s choices.

Through sharing her own story of praying three very wayward prodigals home, Laine Lawson Craft offers not only hope and insight, but also a practical, tried-and-true battle plan for parents walking this heartbreaking season of life. You’ll discover how to

• handle the emotional roller coaster of trust
• deal with your children’s self-destructive choices
• pray emboldened by God’s promises
• fight for your child’s destiny
• and more

You can win the war of darkness over your children–even when you don’t get the miracle you asked for.


As we revel in the joy, giggles and unbridled laughter that bubbles out of their tiny body, our commitment only grows strongeras does our dream for his or her future. Is she the future president of a big corporation? Of our nation? He seems to love the doctor play set more than his other toys. Is that a sign of his future? Will he invent tools that cure disease or save theworld? Will she heed a calling from God and bring forth the greatest revival of all time? Ourparental aspirations in the early stages of their lives are limitless. Somewhere between the dreams and the reality of raising our children, there exists another force to be reckoned with. In fact, there is often a major battle being waged over our children and, consequently, against our entire family. In the midst of everything else that goes on from day to day, we often cannot foresee the traps that have been set. We are often so focused on what is the best that when the worst arrives it is absolutely unexpectedWe never envision our children chasing after the next “fix,” whether it is drugs, alcohol, porn or some other gateway to destruction

Links to All Excerpts:





Laine Lawson Craft ( is a best-selling and award-winning author, popular media host, and in-demand speaker. The founder and publisher of WHOA womenmagazine (2010-2018), she regularly hosts online challenges and masterclasses as well as Facebook and Instagram Live events that reach thousands. Her Warfare Parenting podcast encourages parents of adult children. Laine and her husband, Steve, have three children and live in Florida.

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