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Friday, March 24, 2023

Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward Epic Book Launch Authors: Mark Henderson and Michael Snuffer

 Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward Epic Book Launch

About the Author

Book: Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward

Authors: Mark Henderson and Michael Snuffer

Genre: Non-fiction; Interpersonal Relations; Religion

Release date: April 13, 2023

WHY AM I SO MISUNDERSTOOD? I am only trying to do what is right! Of course, I forgive, but I can’t seem to get past the pain. God seems distant. Does he even care about me?

Do any of these questions hit close to home? It may surprise you that the underlying cause is often hidden unforgiveness. Our closest relationships, emotional health, and perhaps even our faith seem to be crumbling around us, but most of us have no idea that forgiveness is the way forward. If we are honest, we don’t even know what forgiveness is. We may have a vague idea that it has something to do with “forgetting” or “letting go” but would be hard-pressed to come up with a working definition. Worse yet, we have no idea how to practice forgiveness in a way that brings lasting relief from the hurt we carry. Most of us are not trying to hang on to the pain, but freedom is elusive.

Freedom from your pain is within reach! Forgiveness is not a vague, esoteric concept, nor is it a lofty, out-of-reach ideal. Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward digs into the biblical definition of forgiveness, tells real stories of real people who have found healing, clears up some huge misconceptions surrounding forgiveness, and teaches us how topractice forgiveness. If we do not address the wounds of our past, they will shape our future. God has provided a powerful tool to help us find freedom—forgiveness is the surprising way forward!

Book Excerpt

The servant threw himself upon the mercy of the king. At this point, the king did something completely unexpected—perhaps even unreasonable: He forgave the debt! This servant, who squandered a significant portion of the king’s financial resources and deserved prison, was completely released from his debt and allowed to remain a free man. 

Then, on his way from being forgiven, the servant did something totally baffling. He found a guy who owed him a few bucks and demanded immediate payment. When the guy pleaded for a little more time, the servant grabbed him by the throat, then had him arrested and thrown into jail. The servant believed his actions were justified. A guy owed him money, and he deserved to get the money back!

Somehow this story got back to the king. Understandably, the king was very upset. He forgave a debt larger than one could possibly pay back in twenty lifetimes, and this servant couldn’t let a guy off the hook for a few days’ wages? The king threw the unforgiving servant in jail to be tortured until every cent was paid back.

Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here

About the Authors

Mark Henderson received a Masters of Pastoral Counseling, was a licensed counselor, and served as a pastor of counseling for twenty years.

In Memory of Mark Henderson

Mark David Henderson, co-author of this book, passed away from cancer as this book was being finalized. Mark was a loving husband, father, and friend. He touched lives all over the world through his counseling ministry and often said he had a front row seat to God’s miracles. He always made sure the individual knew it was God’s healing, and Mark was simply the servant. His desire was to take what he learned and share it with others, which is the reason for this book.

Michael Snuffer has ministered as a counselor for more than ten years. Mark and Mike founded Equip2CounselTM, a ministry dedicated to providing simple yet powerful counseling tools globally to ministers.

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