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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Book Review and Giveaway - Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan Hosted by Iread Book Tours


Join Us for This Tour From October 4 to October 29
Book Details:

Book Title Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan
Category: Children's Fictions (Ages 3-7)
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Simple Wonder Press, 34 pages
Release date:  October 2021
Format available for review:  Print softback, ebook (PDF)
Will send print books out:  USA
Tour dates: October 4 to October 29, 2021
Content Rating:  Rated G - Suitable for All Ages
Book Description:

A "Mom's Choice Award Winner"!

Tip toe, tip toe, crackle, crunch!

​Chipper the Fox sneaks through the forest to spread cheer to his weary friends. Will his merry making be a success? Or will a smelly fish disaster and a log pile tumble ruin his plans?

“Chipper Makes Merry” takes you on Chipper’s arctic quest filled with lessons of love, kindness and determination.
Meet the Author:

Morgan is a fun wife, and imperfect mom of 3 crazy kiddos and 2 little lemon (problematic) dogs. She tries to live her strengths the best she can. She likes to say she is creative, not crafty. Morgan is a homemade Halloween costume type of mom. She lets her kids mix the play doh. She bakes fun birthday cakes (cutely, but far from perfection). She loves a homemade valentine and a school project. Chipper the Fox is an extension of Morgan's creative strength. Originally designed as character to create merry during the holiday season, Chipper has grown and developed into a story of determination and love.

connect with the author: website ~ instagram  ~facebook

Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan

  1. What’s for dinner tonight? Costco lasagna! Its game day so the family will be coming and going. However, do not think all my kids will actually eat the lasagna. I’m sure a hot dog or a frozen pizza will also be on the menu! There are about 3 dinners I can cook that everyone will actually eat. I was a poor mom at making them “eat what were given”! 

  1. How long have you been writing? I have written seriously on and off since college which was about 20 plus years ago now. I minored in English, and that is when I realized that I really did enjoy writing. I loved poetry class and I didn’t even mind all the 12 -15-page essays that came with all my English and History classes! However, I do wish I had been a little bit more focused on it as an actual career before now. Better late than never, I guess! 

  1. What is your writing schedule? I am a full-time mom, so it’s during the school day! I try to get a workout in, walk the dogs and clean the kitchen, then focus my time writing and working between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Somedays it works, and somedays I make a lot of excuses. If it’s summertime or the kids are out of school, I sigh (heavily) A LOT at them, and tell them they have to make their own lunch! Not much writing gets done! I almost NEVER write a night. My brain shuts down by 7 p.m.!

  1. Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you. I worked as a character at Walt Disney World when I was 16. Chip and Dale, Roger Rabbit and Pooh. YES! It was VERY HOT! But fun!

  1. What advice would you give budding writers? If interested in publishing, I would suggest using author coaches. There are so many good ones out there who are readily available to share what they have learned. I would have never gotten my book to print without talking to others and educating myself on the entire process. There is so much to know and learn. Ask for help!

My Thoughts 
Chipper Makes Merry is written by by Kimber Fox Morgan. This is a Children's Picture book that is geared toward children who are 3-7 years old. I read this children who are 8 and 10, and we enjoyed this book. This book is a perfect holiday gift/stocking stuffer idea. Chipper hates seeing others sad, so he wants to spread cheer to the other woodland creatures. However, it does not always go as planned, but Chipper does not give up. Chipper does not lose his big heart or kindness,  I love the lesson that it shows here. 
The pictures are fitting to the story and are done beautifully. The author did a wonderful job. This will be a book that I will pass on to my grand-daughter that is 6 years old. 
I received a copy of this book through IRead Book tours - all thoughts are my own. 
Tour Schedule:

Oct 4 – Pick a Good Book – book review / author interview / giveaway
Oct 4 -Cheryl's Book Nook – book review / giveaway
Oct 4 - Working Mommy Journal - book review / giveaway
Oct 5 – Cover Lover Book Review book review / giveaway
Oct 5 -Sandra's Book Club – book review / giveaway
Oct 6 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 6 - Splashes of Joy  - book review / author interview / giveaway
Oct 7 –A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Oct 7 - Bound 4 Escape - book review / giveaway
Oct 8 – Kam's Place – book review
Oct 12 –The Phantom Paragrapher – book review
Oct 12 - The Book Review Crew - book review / author interview / giveaway
Oct 13 –Older & Smarter? – book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 13 - The Adventures of a Traveler's Wife - book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 14 - Chit Chat with Charity - book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 15 – Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting - book review / author interview / giveaway
Oct 18 – Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Oct 19 – Laura's Interests – book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 20 – Lisa's Reading – book review / giveaway
Oct 20 - icefairy's Treasure Chest - book review / giveaway
Oct 21 – jayme_reads – book review
Oct 21 - I'd Rather Be At The Beach - book review / giveaway
Oct 22 – Books for Books – book review
Oct 22 - Nighttime Reading Center - book review / giveaway
Oct 25 – Writer with Wanderlust – book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 25 - Reading Authors Network - book review/ giveaway
Oct 26 – I'm Into Books – book review / giveaway
Oct 26 - Westveil Publishing - book review / giveaway
Oct 27 – Pause for Tales – book review / giveaway
Oct 27 - Jazzy Book Reviews - book review / giveaway
Oct 28 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Oct 28 - Rajiv's Reviews - book review 
Oct 29 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 29 - @twilight_reader - book review 
TBD – Wottaread – book spotlight / author interview

Enter the Giveaway:


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book, it sounds like a wonderful story to share with my grandchildren

    1. Thank you! I hope they would love it! It's a perfect book to cuddle up and read to them!
