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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Book Review and Giveaway - God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend Author: Sunshine Rodgers On Tour with Celebrate Lit


About the Book

Book: God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend

Author: Sunshine Rodgers

Genre: Christian Nonfiction

Release date: February 25, 2015

FRONT COVEREver confused about the Trinity? Are there three Gods or One? And how is the Trinity important to my life? Take a deep look inside this book for the answers. There is so much more to your life when you allow God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be inseparable parts of your existence. With your Heavenly Father, Big Brother and Best Friend by your side, you can reach the impossible and do the unthinkable. Learn about Heaven’s family and the Divine resources offered to you to succeed in life. Learn from the real testimonies from people who have been touched by this glorious revelation. Take one step closer to the three greatest loves of your life and have an experience of your own with this great Fellowship.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Sunshine Rodgers is an International Best-Selling Author on Amazon and she has attended 31 book signings and 4 Book Tours. Her books have landed on 21 different Amazon Best Seller lists in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada including #1 in the U.K. for Bible Study and #2 in the U.S. for Bible Commentaries. She has been promoted in various newspapers, newsletters and magazines and she has been a guest on podcasts and radio. Check out all 10 of Sunshine’s books and feel the love and passion for life on her pages! Sunshine is married to her best friend, Travis and they live in sunny Florida.


Excerpt from the Book

I pray Colossians 1:911 over you as the reader. I pray that you will not cease to make your requests known to God, and that you may be filled with the deep anclear knowledge of God’s will operating in spiritual wisdom. I pray that you will have comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God, and that you will be able to understand and discern spiritual things during the day and during your life (vs. 9). I pray that you will live and conduct yourself in a way that pleases the Lord, and that you will desire to make Him smile in everything that you do. I pray that you will bear much fruit walking with God and continue to do good works as well as growing and increasing in your knowledge (vs. 10). I pray that you will be invigorated and strengthened with His power to bring out His glory in your life. I pray that when life gets too tough, you will always choose to get closer to God, and exercise endurance and patience with joy. Know that throughout it all, you are surrounded by your Father, your Big Brother and your Best Friend every step of
the way.”  excerpt from page 202203 (Book: God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend)

My Thoughts

God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend is written by  Sunshine Rodgers. This is the first book that I have read by this author. I remember being a new Christian and being confused by the Trinity. I was raised Catholic - and when I was 20, for several reasons I started attending a Baptist church and was saved. There was a lot of adjustments that went along with that. That included the Trinity. I wish I would have had this book during that time. 

This book really takes a detailed look at the relationship with God the father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Best Friend. The author includes lots of Bible verses to back everything she is writing about. Her writing is clear and concise. I always make sure when reading books like this to pray hard that God will reveal to me what he wants me to see, even if I do not agree fully with everything that the author is writing. 

However, this does a good job breaking down that God will never leave us, nor will he foresake us. For new Christians this is important to know. 

I received a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit Blogging Program, all thoughts are my own. 

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 15

For the Love of Literature, January 16 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 16

Texas Book-aholic, January 17

Inklings and notions, January 18

For Him and My Family, January 19

deb’s Book Review, January 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 21

Through the Fire Blogs, January 22 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 22

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 23

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 24 (Spotlight)

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 26

Cats in the Cradle Blog , January 27

Mary Hake, January 28


To celebrate her tour, Sunshine is giving away the grand prize of a $40 Visa card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. I love your review. My husband was also raised Catholic and later in his life started attending (still does) an Assembly of God church. You read all about his story (Travis Rodgers) in my book. It's hard to read a book by a new author so I'm happy you enjoyed my text. I currently read through so many Christian Nonfiction books so I do exactly as you suggested...praying before reading! - Sunshine /

  2. Great excerpt, Sunshine, Your book sounds like a great one for me to read! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, Because I Said So - and other adventures in Parenting, for sharing your thoughts! Have a sunshiny day!

  3. This sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing

  4. I m definitely adding to my list! Thanks for the recommendation!
