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Thursday, October 3, 2024

My Thoughts - The Sorta Good Wife: A Devotional of Proverbs 31:10-31 Written by Kim Hess


The Sorta Good Wife: A Devotional of Proverbs 31:10-31


With so many distortions of the essence of a woman, today more than ever, women need to ruthlessly examine their perceptions and reality of being a wife, and then align them with Truth so that they may become the best version of themselves as God had intended them to be.

In The “Sorta” Good Wife, Kim Hess explores how A Good Wife, as described in Proverbs 31:10-31, beautifully portrays the dignity of being a spouse as a wife. However, this expectation gets warped by trauma, sin, fears, and lies, and many women do not know how to embrace and enjoy this vocation. A woman must align herself to Truth and rely on His power, not her own. The Lord desires to be a part of every aspect of daily life and every season of her life, so that she may reach her full potential.


Kim Hess is a quirky, inquisitive, and compassionate child of God. She rocks being a homeschool mom and teacher, but freely admits to learning more from her students than teaching them. Kim has raced enduro karts, soared on a flying trapeze, and passed the motorcycle license class, but now prefers to take adrenaline-free walks with her husband. Her favorite pastime is being a prayer minister who relentlessly asks, “Do you want prayer?” Connect with her at


The Sorta Good Wife is a devotional that is written off Proverbs 31: 10-31. It is written by Kim Hess. One of my prayers lately has been to be a wife that so desires God that it helps to draw my family near. This devotion came at the best time. 

The author has done a wonderful job in showcasing real issues that women face. She reminds us that we need to hold firm to the Biblical Principles. This is a great morning or evening devotional. It’s great for those that want to dig in. 

Thank you to the author, publisher and IRead Book tours, all thoughts are my own.

Author Q & A

What were your sources of inspiration for the book?

I believe that the Holy Spirit nudged me to write this book after I had a conversation with my best friend. We had experienced so many intense world events, national issues, and cultural problems, and we wondered how we, as women, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and friends, should handle certain situations. How have women throughout history endured challenging times, but at a microlevel within one’s family? Better yet, how did these women thrive?!

God knows!

We may not have many historical records written by women, but we have the Bible, which includes examples of biblical women for us to draw upon. His Word specifically explains and demonstrates how women should respond to daily, mundane problems and even decisions which impact all of mankind. Knowing that we have a blueprint for any issue gave us hope.

The verses in Proverbs 31:10-31 outline a model good wife—not an AI-generated, airbrushed, glamour model of a wife, but a woman worthy of becoming royalty. And, since Jesus is the King of kings, and God has adopted us as heirs, then we have the capacity to become The Good Wife with His help.

Can you tell us more about the title? How did you come up with it? What is its significance?

The title playfully acknowledges that I lack perfection for being crowned as The Good Wife, described in Scripture. And, if I’m being truly honest, then I must admit that I am keenly aware of my faults, limitations, and sins—the insertion of the word “sorta” is a casual attempt to deflect the deep-seeded fear of not being good enough, with humor.

Who would benefit from this journal?

  • Married women and women considering marriage as their vocation; 

  • Married men and men seeking a spouse;

  • Christian counselors; and

  • Priests.

Can you tell us something about the book that we can’t read in the blurb?

Please know that this devotional references Catholic theology, and I pray that readers open their hearts and minds to better understand the Sacraments and Tradition, or at the very least, approach this book for an awareness of Catholicism. For anyone who has suffered from a negative experience with Catholicism, I pray that God will heal you of that experience (please see Deuteronomy 32:35 or Romans 12:19).

Can you describe your writing process for the book?

For seven days, I sat at the dining room table, researching Scripture, writing what flowed from the Holy Spirits, and recalling memories. Working through those memories proved somewhat difficult, and I had to receive healing as I typed.

After completing the first draft, I shared it with a circle of women who know me in different capacities. Each one had very unique and excellent advice as to how to improve upon the writing. I eagerly made their changes. Then, I sent the file to a wider circle of women, who graciously agreed to beta-test the devotional over the summer. 

Publisher after publisher politely declined. This time, the rejection did not bother me the same as it had when I tried to obtain a publisher for my first book. I knew that I would self-publish this devotional.

Were there any challenges in writing this book? What were they?

On the second day of writing, I remember one of my very close friends brought up the devotional within our small group. She asked me to read a segment I had written. I paused, because I had only started the devotional the day before. But, I honored her request and read the introduction. When I stopped reading, I heard silence. 

No excitement. No comments. Just silence. I almost deleted the entire file at that moment. 

Finally, a woman hesitantly voiced her opinion. Then, another. And, another. The consensus seemed to echo my concerns about women filtering the passages with their own perceptions of personal inadequacies of being a perfect wife. In fact, one woman, who normally contributes to our conversations, did not speak at all until we switched topics.

Their comments (or lack, thereof) confirmed the need for this devotional. Society places so much pressure on us to strive for an abstract idea of perfection, for which we attempt to do on our own accord. It’s impossible; we must have God’s help. I continued to write, keeping their uncomfortable pause present in my mind as a reminder for me to partner with God for them, and all women.

What, in your opinion, is the key to literary success?

I have no idea what the key to literary success is. But, if just one person grows closer to Jesus, then I have succeeded as an author for His Glory!

Does writing energize you, or does it exhaust you? Do you take long breaks between projects?

Writing definitely energizes me! If I feel exhausted, then I know I have been trying to write under my power, and I have not invited the Holy Spirit into the process.

The time between projects depends upon my mindset to receive from the Holy Spirit and what He wants me to write. My blog posts indicate the how frequently the Holy Spirit inspires me and when He does.

If you had to give up snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to?

When writing with the Holy Spirit, I seem to be hyper-focused on capturing all that I perceive that I should be writing. I tend to forget about food and drink, and I do not hear anything around me. So, even if a Christian rock band set up next to me, I do not think I would notice them.

Which is your favorite season to write in, and why?

Although I love the winter season, I seem to write when I have a pause of activities and demands, perhaps because I can give back the time to God for Him to use. During those pauses, I tend to write. I do not think a season or weather impacts my preference of when to write, instead, I think it’s my openness to surrender time to the Lord for when I write.

If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?


Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve sat at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?


What has influenced you the most as a writer?

Volunteering as a healing minister has influenced me the most as a writer.

What is your preferred font to write in?

I prefer to type in Calibri (Body) 11 pt font.

Do you use any special writing software? If so, what is it, and why do you like that software?

I absolutely avoid any AI software that assists with writing, because I want the Holy Spirit to give me the words, not a computer program. I simply type into Word processing software.

If you have pictures on your writing desk, who/what are they of?

I do not have a writing desk.

Do you feel like you’d be a better writer if you wore sparkly socks during your writing sessions?


Do you ever take random writing breaks to dance? If so, when do these breaks generally occur?

Definitely not.

Do you have any writing blogs you recommend?

Do you have any writing buddies?

No, but perhaps I should have a writing buddy.

What is your most unusual writing quirk?

Sometimes I yodel or sing off-key when I need a mental break. (And, now I’m wondering whether I should have pictures near me when writing, the desire to dance as a break, a writing buddy, and the urge to eat and drink when writing. Perhaps my writing quirk is that I do not have or do those things.)

Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

I prefer holding a physical book for many reasons, but mainly a physical book allows me to have a more active experience while reading, because I can smell, see, turn, and annotate pages. However, while driving, I enjoy listening to podcasts, sermons, and audiobooks, because these formats allow me to absorb the Truth as the odometer clicks. But, I most prefer the Bible app on my phone, because I can easily highlight verses, search on a word, and read (and listen) to daily readings anytime. 

What is your favorite genre to read, and why?

I enjoy Christian healing books and the Bible, which encompasses numerous genres, but currently I read for lesson planning.

What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?

I love teaching! And, I love when the Holy Spirit helps me with strategies to teach His children.

What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?

In a cover letter to a potential employer, I wrote that I was “detailed-oriented”. *sigh*

What is your favorite cover out of all your books? Why is it your favorite?

My favorite cover out of my two books is “Jesus, Will You Heal Me?”, because the shattered pieces vividly remind me of humanity's brokenness.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My husband supports me, as evidenced by his understanding of my blank stare when I’m fully engrossed in writing. He patiently waits for me to emerge from those writing periods. My husband prays over me and the devotional because he knows how much I cherish prayers.

How many drafts do your books generally go through before publication?

The devotional went through more drafts than I care to admit. I kept finding my typos. A great editor helped, but not when I make changes after she reviews the draft. So, I take full credit for all errors.

Give a shout-out to a fellow author.

I’d like to give a shout-out to Jay Lampart, who wrote Lost on Planet XXX: How the early Church can solve the modern crisis of internet pornography. Jay kindly answered my numerous questions about self-publishing and shared his contacts within the industry.


What was the hardest part of writing your author bio?

The entire paragraph proved challenging, even writing my name. I agonized over word selection, sentence composition, and determining what to list as accomplishments. I kept getting stuck, because I tried to write it in my power. I had forgotten to pray. Once I prayed and invited the Holy Spirit, the writing flowed better.

What is your favorite time to write, and why?

I love mornings, especially early mornings after I pray and before my family stirs. However, when writing for the Lord, I write when I feel inspired.

How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?

I experienced so much healing while I write. My hope is that others will recognize a positive change, seeing the light of God shine out of my eyes.

What is your favorite word, and why?

This type of question tries to intimidate my confidence. My initial reaction was to fervently think of an obscure word to impress the interviewer and audience. My next thought led me down the path of false religious piety by selecting a spiritual word. Then, I prayed, and this word popped into my mind: teacher.

Perhaps, the word “teacher” popped into my mind, because that’s my most recent career change—becoming a public-school teacher and my husband has become an instructor at a university. Anyone who has ever served within the educational field understands the sacrifices they make so that students succeed. Teachers offer students hope. Just like Jesus, rabbi—a teacher who offers hope to all!


$25 STARBUCKS Gift Card courtesy of the author of The Sorta Good Wife: A Devotional of Proverbs 31:10-31 (ends Oct 28)